Thursday, October 13, 2011

Overflow Part - 5

The Land, the Seed and the Blessing

   Who plants the seed? Men. Who makes it grow? God. Who get the harvest? Men. This  is were a lot of people have missed it. They think they should just sow a seed and that is it. We do not have to make it multiply, God does that. And while he is making it multiply we can rest. We do not have to make this work. Just obey God and he will make the harvest grow 30, 60, or 100 fold. God will do this. But then that is not it, their will come seasons and times that for you their are harvest times. We have to learn to use our faith to sow and reap. We do not wait on God to sow for us. But God will give seed to the sower. And he leads us and shows us where to sow and when to sow. It comes down to a point that we are going to have to sow or it will not get done. God will not sow for us or make us sow. But he will take care of the multiplying of the seed when we sow.
  You have to believe that you receive and you will have it. You can not beg for your harvest, you have to receive it. To receive means to take. So you have to believe that you take it. God has all ready done everything he is going to do when he sent Jesus to the cross. We have to believe and receive every thing he has done. We do not need to beg him we just have to receive or take it. It is about faith to receive it or take it.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Overflow Part - 4

  To reap overflow you have to keep expecting and standing and not give up. Then harvest time will come. We will reap if we faint not. If you faint you won't reap. I have showed you three passages that tell us that if we don't do certain things we won't reap. These are answers to why some people reap and some do not. Some people sow and tithe for years and they do not reap. They are not were they should be in their harvest. One of the reasons is because they have not come to believe that they have a responsibility to get their harvest in.
  The Lord shows us what to do in his Word if we would just study it and learn and believe it. This way we will reap and reap and reap. Then for the first time your needs will be met. Then you will be able to keep reaping until you got overflow and you can minister to other people. Then you will be able to put big checks into the ministry. And pay off things in the church. You can not disperse it until you reap it.
  Now look at Mark 4:26 - this is sowing and reaping 101. Jesus said, so is the kingdom of God. This is how the kingdom of God operates. It's as if a men should cast seed into the ground. And should sleep and rise night and day. And the seed shall spring and grow up and he knows not how. Can it still work if you do not know how it is working? Yes, you do not have to know and understand all about how it is that by his stripes you are healed, before it will work for you. Just believe it, you do not have to know how it is that by him hanging on the cross and shedding his blood, that it cleanses your sin, and makes you right with him. Just believe it, and you will enjoy it.
  He went on to say that the earth brings forth fruit of herself. First the blade , then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But, when the fruit is brought forth. And when it is ready, immediately he puts in the sickle. Why, because the harvest has come. Some would like to reap before the harvest, but you can't. You have to have patients and wait. Their is a time to sleep but it is not during the harvest. Their is a time to play, a time to rest, a time to take vacations. But their is a season, a time to get after the harvest and get it in. And then their is another season to sow. Sow and get that seed in the ground. God will lead you to sow it in different places if you follow his leading. Then their is another season and that is to wait. You are believing and expecting and praying and thanking God. And then their comes the harvest time again. And no matter what you are doing it is working.
  Now remember harvest and reaping are not the same thing. The harvest is what comes up. The reaping is getting in what comes up. It's not about what you know, it's about what you do. It does not all happen in a moment of time, it's progressive.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs - Apple

As the CEO of the world's most valuable brand, Jobs pulled in a comically low annual salary of just $1. While the gesture isn't unheard of in the corporate world  — Google's Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Eric Schmidt all pocketed the same 100 penny salary annually — Jobs kept his salary at $1 since 1997, the year he became Apple's lead executive. Of his salary, Jobs joked in 2007: "I get 50 cents a year for showing up, and the other 50 cents is based on my performance."
In early 2011, Jobs owned 5.5 million shares of Apple. After his death, Apple shares were valued at $377.64 — a roughly 43-fold growth in valuation over the last 10 years that shows no signs of slowing down.
He may only have taken in a single dollar per year, but Jobs leaves behind a vast fortune. The largest chunk of that wealth is the roughly $7 billion from the sale of Pixar to Disney in 2006. In 2011, with an estimated net worth of $8.3 billion, he was the 110th richest person in the world, according to Forbes. If Jobs hadn't sold his shares upon leaving Apple in 1985 (before returning to the company in 1996), he would be the world's fifth richest individual.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Overflow Part - 3

Faith and Wealth

We have a responsibility everything is not inevitable and automatic. We have a choice in all these things in our healing and in our being born again, in our prosperity in our victory. You can be Spiritually slack and lazy and just sit around and do nothing. Or we can get up and go out and posses some land. Quit waiting for God to drop it into your lap. And realize what God has already given us. We should not sit around and wait on God , he has told us to rise up and lay hold and receive and reap. So if you are slack or you sleep through your harvest or get to looking at the wrong things you will not reap. If you get to looking at distractions which God says are clouds you will not reap. So you have to steel yourself against being moved by what you see and hear and feel. You have to be not moved. You have to reap and reap and then you almost enough and then that is how you get the overflow.
  Their has to be a generation that excels in reaping. You have to learn to give and receive . You have to receive more in order to give more. It is a cycle, we must be great sowers and great reapers.
  Now in Galatians 6:8-9 He that soweth to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. The season does make a differents . Remember God gave us natural sowing and reaping to teach us about Spiritual sowing and reaping. You do not plant the seed and then go out next week and expect to get a harvest. After you plant the seed you have to wait. It is the same way with a business or any other seed you plant. You have to wait for the season or time to reap. You have to learn all that God has for you. You cannot be a weak person, or Christian. God said not to be weary in well doing in due season you shall reap, if you faint not. If you faint you will not reap.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Overflow Part -2

The Little Book That Builds Wealth

  Now lets look in Ecclesiastes 11:1 - It is also talking about sowing and reaping.  It says in verse 1 to cast your bread on the waters and you will find it after many days. This means to put something out their. Verse 2 the first word says give. It's talking about given extra, give a portion to seven and then go ahead and give eight. Always give more, always round things off on the fat side. If your tithe is $50.70 give $55.00 or a $100.00 always give more. This way you will reap the extra harvest. You sow what you want to reap. People get caught up in net and gross too. So think about net harvest and gross harvest. If you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly and if you sow bountifully you will reap bountifully.
  Now look at Ecclesiastes 11: 4 - He that observes the wind shall not sow. And he that regards the clouds shall not reap. Is it possible that  you are planning on sowing and then you get to looking at the wind, and decide not to sow? Is it possible that you are getting ready to reap and then you get to looking at the clouds, and don't reap ? Is it possible to sow seed and not reap a harvest? Yes, could it happen in the natural? Yes, and here God is showing us things, that it is possible. He said in Proverbs to be lazy and slack and it makes you poor. And to sleep through the whole harvest. He says you get to looking at the wrong thing and you won't sow. You get to looking at the wrong things and you won't reap. And you know the enemy is out and about to get us looking at the wrong things. Satan is the master of distraction. When you get ready to sow and then here comes all of these thoughts. Ya, well what about this, and ya you got this coming up next week. And you don't want to give without being lead. But when you do have a direction to sow something, don't get to looking at something else. And don't let your hand over ride your heart.
  The same thing can happen, you have sown good seed, you been sowing and sowing. You have been expecting your harvest and some things change. The economy changes, the price of this changes, your believing for something and it was cheaper when you started to first believe for it. This is what you call a cloud. And if you get to looking at the clouds you won't reap. If the bible tells you not do something because you won't reap, then you make sure you don't do it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Millionaire Overflow - Part 1

Automatic Wealth I( for Jordon overfloweth all his banks all the time of harvest. Joshua 3:15 ) I want you to just notice this one phrase right here. Nothing in the scriptures is just a coincident. Alternatively, by the way, no every word is significant. There was not just a spot or two that overflowed, and it was not just this river bed or that particular spot that got high. No, it was in a particular time and season. It was during harvest time. It overflowed, and we are in harvest time now. And in harvest time you are supposed to have overflow. And when it comes to harvesting time we have a responsibility. And the harvest is not just left up to the Lord. We have to understand that harvest is not just automatic and apart from us. We have to understand this principle. We have a vital part and roll to play in the harvest.
So what is overflowed? Overflow is an abundant harvest. It's the result and product of the harvest. And not just a harvest, but a too much harvest That is where the overflow comes from. It comes from a to much harvest Now let's look at three scriptures in your bible. Let's look in Proverbs 10, Ecclesiastes 11, and Galatians 6. One thing I should mention is that you have to believe in the principle of sowing and reaping. You have to have the word of God sown into your life. When you have the word of God sown into your life, it grows and makes you a different person.
Now concerning sowing and reaping in Proverbs 10:4 - He becomes poor that deals with a slack hand. However, the hand of the diligent maketh rich. Can you be lazy and negligence, and it cost you? Yes, that is how you get poor and stay poor. It's not enough just to make confessions and then lay on the couch. You have to get with it. There is a time to pray and a time to make confessions and time to sow seed, and then you got to get up and get on with the program. You have to get up and go to work and do what you are supposed to be doing. Get up and go to check on your stuff. And if you are not the kind of person that will get with it, and you just want to lay around, well then you will be broke.
Remember that he becomes poor that deals with a slack hand, but the hand of the diligent maketh rich. If you believe in being rich, you will also have to believe in being diligent. Now in Proverbs 10 verses 5 it goes with verse 4. It says, He that gathers in the summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps in the harvest is a son who causes shame. Now notice the principles. If you are slack, you get poor and stay poor. If your diligent you become rich, and if you are on your toes and you are wise.
Then you will reap during the reaping seasons. Then your spoken well of, but could you sleep through your harvest? Yes, remember that God gave us natural sowing and reaping to teach us about Spiritual sowing and reaping. So all you have to do to answer the question is to think about a farmer when he plants a crop. If he plants the seed in the ground, and it grows into a bumper crop, but he is too lazy to go out into the field to get the crop. he will lose it all. So, you see you can sleep through a natural harvest. So if it is possible naturally, then can it also be Spiritually? Yes, it can. People can sleep through their Spiritual harvest too.
This is part-1, and I will be posting part-2 later. I hope this helps my readers to learn more about wealth.
By: Lula Becraft

Millionaire Society Babe

Friday, September 23, 2011

Solomon's Wealth

  By all accounts , King Solomon was the wisest and wealthest man of his era , a master of proverbial love , and an insightful problem - solver .
  Solomon's name means peaceable , he ruled in 970 -930 B.C. Despite his famed sagacity , he was often discouraged and lead astray by others , he made a number of compromises , and eventually his heart grew cold to God . Such contradictions make it difficult for those seeking to study the reputed wisdom of Solomon .
  Solomon succeeded to the throne of Israel in an unprecedented manner : unlike Saul or David , he did not have the triumphant military war record or the charismatic personality to be anointed king . Instead he had the political pull of Bathsheba , his mother and David 's favorite wife . Although others were in line ahead of him for the throne , Solomon won the kingship through the influence that his mother and Nathan the prophet wielded over David . To solidify his hold on power , Solomon had his half - brother and potential usurper Adonijah killed , while he himself entered into many political marriages . Later , Solomon's faith would be eroded by the influence of the religions of his many foreign wives - among them were Hittites , Moabites , Edomites , Sidonians , ans Ammonites .
  Early in Solomon's reign , he received a vision of God while preforming a sacrifice . When God asked the young king what gift he wanted , Solomon asked for wisdom to " discern between good and evil " so that he might be a better ruler of God's people .The request so pleased God that he bestowed a blessing of wealth and prosperity on the king . The famous decision in which Solomon resolved a dispute over an infant served to demonstrate that God had granted Solomon's request . Two women claimed custody of the same small child , and the king determined which was the true mother by ordering the child cut in half and divided between the women . When one of them insisted on giving the child up in order to let it live , Solomon ruled that she must be the child's parent .
  Solomon established a strong centralized monarchy and an even tax system for his people . He divided the nation into 12 regions , each of which was responsible for provisioning the court for one month of the year . He established strong trading alliances with other nations that quickly made him fabulously wealthy . He also undertook extensive building projects , dedicating seven years to building the temple his father had dreamed of and almost twice that long to erecting his own palace . Foreign slaves were used in the building projects , but he also conscripted Israelite laborers .
  Between the heavy taxes and the enforced building projects , Solomon's accomplishments placed a crushing burden on his subjects .
  Solomon's other main interest was women . He reportedly had an astounding 700 wives and 300 concubines   . Many of the marriages were calculated to foster internal political alliances or international relations or to increase Solomon's world - famous wealth , and the great king's downfall is attributed to these pursuits . Although he clearly accomplished much in a material sense , he let go of the ways of God in pursuing these ends and brought the nation and himself to strife . To accommodate the demands of many of his foreign wives , Solomon freely allowed pagan worship in a variety of forms and so lost God's favor . In punishment , Solomon's peaceful reign was disrupted toward the end of his life by threats of violence from outside the nation . More importantly , the heavy burdens he placed on his people prompted the kingdom to be torn in two shortly after his death ; ten of Israel's tribes broke away to form the northern kingdom , while only two , Judah and Benjamin , remained loyal to the house of David .
  Solomon was a prolific writer and is credited with having authored some 3000 proverbs , 1000 songs and several books of the Bible . Some of his writings indicate that Solomon was keenly aware that the material accomplishments of his reign meant nothing next to the spiritual decay of his life . Despite all his women , wealth , and fame , his words sometimes convey a deep cynicism and lack of joy . In the book of Ecclesiastes , Solomon warns of focusing one's effects on self instead of on God . " I saw all the deeds that wind ; From his failures and pain , and with the wisdom of hindsight , he concluded , "Remember your creator in the days of your youth .... Fear God , and keep his commandments ; for that is the whole duty of everyone . For God will bring every deed into judgement , including every secret thing , whether good or evil ."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

World's Riches Person

The world's richest person for a second year in a row, the Mexican telecom mogul is also the year's biggest gainer, having added $20.5 billion to his fortune and widened the gap between him and no. 2, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, to $18 billion. A 19% rise in the Mexican stock market, a stronger peso, and successful mining and real estate spinoffs from conglomerate Grupo Carso all contributed to the astonishing increase. He also merged his fixed-line telecom company into America Movil, Latin America's largest wireless carrier; the Slim family stake in that holding accounts for 62% of his net worth. He has other holdings in retailer Saks and the New York Times. Recently opened a new building for his Soumaya Museum, which houses his vast art collection. It is open to the public for free.

He's the first 'World's Richest' man from a developing nation
2009 was good to the super-rich in poorer nations: Brazil and Russia each doubled their billionaire counts; and China's new total (64 billionaires) ranks second only to the America. Slim, as an owner of more than 220 companies in telecommunications, banking, railways, and restaurants (to name a few), saw his fortune swell by $18.5 billion last year.

Slim was born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1940 to Maronite Christian parents Julián Slim Haddad and Linda Helú, both of Lebanese descent. His father, born Khalil Slim Haddad, immigrated to Mexico at the age of 14 in 1902 and changed his first name to Julián.As it was not uncommon for Lebanese children to be sent abroad before they reached the age of 15 to avoid being conscripted into the Ottoman army, four of Haddad's older brothers were already living in Mexico at the time of his arrival.
Carlos Slim's mother, Linda Helú, was born in Parral, Chihuahua, of Lebanese parents who had immigrated to Mexico in the late 19th century. Her parents upon immigrating to Mexico had founded one of the first Arabic language magazines for the Lebanese-Mexican community, using a printing press they had brought with them.
In 1911, Julián established a dry goods store, La Estrella del Oriente (The Star of the Orient). By 1921, he had purchased real estate in the flourishing commercial district of Mexico City. These enterprises became the source of considerable wealth.
In August 1926, Julián Slim and Linda Helú married. They had six children: Nour, Alma, Julián, José, Carlos and Linda. Julián senior, who had been influential in the Lebanese-Mexican business community, died in 1953.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Millionaire Coaching

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Right now, I have one instruction for you to follow.

Go to the page below and find out all the details
on his newest course AND coaching club:

In the Internet Marketing World there
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