Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Millionaire Overflow - Part 1

Automatic Wealth I( for Jordon overfloweth all his banks all the time of harvest. Joshua 3:15 ) I want you to just notice this one phrase right here. Nothing in the scriptures is just a coincident. Alternatively, by the way, no every word is significant. There was not just a spot or two that overflowed, and it was not just this river bed or that particular spot that got high. No, it was in a particular time and season. It was during harvest time. It overflowed, and we are in harvest time now. And in harvest time you are supposed to have overflow. And when it comes to harvesting time we have a responsibility. And the harvest is not just left up to the Lord. We have to understand that harvest is not just automatic and apart from us. We have to understand this principle. We have a vital part and roll to play in the harvest.
So what is overflowed? Overflow is an abundant harvest. It's the result and product of the harvest. And not just a harvest, but a too much harvest That is where the overflow comes from. It comes from a to much harvest Now let's look at three scriptures in your bible. Let's look in Proverbs 10, Ecclesiastes 11, and Galatians 6. One thing I should mention is that you have to believe in the principle of sowing and reaping. You have to have the word of God sown into your life. When you have the word of God sown into your life, it grows and makes you a different person.
Now concerning sowing and reaping in Proverbs 10:4 - He becomes poor that deals with a slack hand. However, the hand of the diligent maketh rich. Can you be lazy and negligence, and it cost you? Yes, that is how you get poor and stay poor. It's not enough just to make confessions and then lay on the couch. You have to get with it. There is a time to pray and a time to make confessions and time to sow seed, and then you got to get up and get on with the program. You have to get up and go to work and do what you are supposed to be doing. Get up and go to check on your stuff. And if you are not the kind of person that will get with it, and you just want to lay around, well then you will be broke.
Remember that he becomes poor that deals with a slack hand, but the hand of the diligent maketh rich. If you believe in being rich, you will also have to believe in being diligent. Now in Proverbs 10 verses 5 it goes with verse 4. It says, He that gathers in the summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps in the harvest is a son who causes shame. Now notice the principles. If you are slack, you get poor and stay poor. If your diligent you become rich, and if you are on your toes and you are wise.
Then you will reap during the reaping seasons. Then your spoken well of, but could you sleep through your harvest? Yes, remember that God gave us natural sowing and reaping to teach us about Spiritual sowing and reaping. So all you have to do to answer the question is to think about a farmer when he plants a crop. If he plants the seed in the ground, and it grows into a bumper crop, but he is too lazy to go out into the field to get the crop. he will lose it all. So, you see you can sleep through a natural harvest. So if it is possible naturally, then can it also be Spiritually? Yes, it can. People can sleep through their Spiritual harvest too.
This is part-1, and I will be posting part-2 later. I hope this helps my readers to learn more about wealth.
By: Lula Becraft

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